From the fine Electronic Cerebrectomy blog, here's a meme. Please grab it, or pick up my tag on facebook.
( ) You spent a day watching all of the Lord of the Rings/Star Wars/Star Trek movies.
( ) You spent next two days after watching commentary, outtakes, and behind the scenes footage. No, but i have done this for many, many movies.
(X) And you bought the soundtrack.
(X) You went to a midnight release of a movie.
( ) You camped in front of the theater for more than 12 hours to get tickets.
( ) Camping did not prevent you from being in costume.
(X) You can have an entire conversation with friends consisting of quotes from your favorite movies.
( ) You own at least three game systems.
( ) You have lost weight because you forgot to eat while trying to reach the next level in your game.
( ) You own more than four game controllers (of any kind).
(X) You have existed on 3 hours of sleep per night so that your "Sims" get 8 hours and are refreshed for work.
( ) You upgraded your computer because you wanted to buy a new video game/expansion pack.
( ) You have dressed as your game avatar, or as a npc in that game.
( ) You achieved level 60 on World of Warcraft.
(X) You have played "Dungeons and Dragons" or any other RPG. -- Those were fun times.
(X) You know what "RPG" stands for.
( ) You dressed as your RPG character would dress.
(X) You own dice with more than six sides.
( ) You have been accused of having a "gamer" scent. No, but i know what 'gamer scent' is.
(X) You can identify a Black Lotus. i have a Black Lotus.
( ) You can identify a Charizard.
( ) You have bought any of the "Harry Potter" books after standing in line until midnight.
( ) You waited to get your "Harry Potter" book in costume, quoting favorite lines.
(X) You have attended any function with "con" in the name. They are too numeral to mention.
(X) You stood in line at said "con" for more than 4 hours to have an item signed.
(X) You spent more than $50 on a costume to wear to "con" because you wanted it to be authentic.
(X) You own more than 50 comics.
(X) You collect your comics in longboxes.
(X) You know what a "longbox" is.
(X) You've met and had your comics signed by the creator(s).
(X) You know how many "Robins" there are.
(X) You know that the portrayal of Rogue in the movie "X-Men" is completely wrong.
(X) You have chatted online more than in person.
(X) You chatted online enough to learn the time zones.
(X) You think that when the Mythbusters say "Don't try this at home," they really don't mean YOU.
(X) Have participated in a movie/tv marathon that involved a drinking game.
(X) Can sing along with the Buffy Musical Episode.
(X) You know Seth Green from more than just the "Austin Powers" movies.
(X) You can name all 8 Kevin Smith-directed movies without referring to IMdb. -- And I liked Jersey Girl, too.
(X) You have participated in a "Clerks"-esque discussion about Star Wars (or any other movie).
(X) You have participated in a Kirk vs Picard discussion.
(X) You have participated in a Star Wars vs Star Trek discussion.
(X) You have participated in a Babylon 5 vs. Star Trek:DS9 discussion
(X) You know who jms is.
( ) You have ever corrected anyone who called you a Trekkie. Nobody has ever called me a Trekker OR a Trekkie.
( ) You have worn a Star Fleet Uniform.
( ) You own a Star Fleet Uniform.
( ) You think "Twilight" is lame because everyone knows that vampires burst into flame in the sunlight. i'm not interested in Twilight, but wouldn't object to that.
( ) You have written fanfic.
(X) You have watched Bizzare Foods and thought "I'd try that."
( ) You can pinpoint the moment at which "Lost" jumped the shark. i'm not sure that it has. The entire show is just one huge and leapy shark - the Fonz doesn't even have a chance.
(X) You know who Stan Lee is.
(X) You know who Jack Kirby is.
( ) You know who Geoff Johns is.
(X) You have built a website.
(X) You have started a blog.
(X) You maintained a blog for over a year.
( ) You know what the Genie SFRT is.
( ) You have a Twitter account. i have vowed to not tweet.
( ) You have over 500 followers on Twitter.
( ) You purchased a smartphone just so you could check Twitter on the road. About to get an iPhone, still will not tweet.
( ) You forget your family members' birthdays because they aren't your friends on Facebook. i try to get everyone on facebook.
(X) You have given virtual gifts on Facebook.
( ) You have Superpoked your boss on Facebook.
( ) You have gotten a date through Facebook (and we're not talking dinner and movie with your buddies). No but i had a transcontinental romance vis compuserve, and met my husband through AOL.
( ) You have broken up with someone/been broken up with through Facebook.
( ) You've reached level 30 or higher in Mafia Wars. i'm too busy playing Vampire Wars to better my score there.
(X) You know what Mafia Wars is.
(X) You participated in more than three social networks.
(X) You've spent more than 200 hours playing the same video game. Sims, Alice... a few.
(X) You've seen any movie in the theater more than three times. Citizen Kane, Chinatown, Nashville, Phantom of the Paradise come immediately to mind.
(X) You can name the episode of MST3K where Joel was replaced by Mike. Of course, it's a classic! i heart Mitchell.
(X) You've argued why the comic is way superior to the show/movie when discussing "The Tick," "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," "X-Men," "Fantastic Four," "Spider-Man," etc.
(X) You have the soundtrack for "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" on your MP3 player.
( ) You are willing to defend the Star Wars prequels. No, i pretty much find them indefensible.
( ) You openly disparage the Star Wars prequels because they don't live up to "Empire."
( ) You're openly concerned about the time line ramifications that J.J. Abram's "Star Trek" movie presents to the canon. i enjoy Star Trek, but don't think it has a canon.
(X) You own anything written by Neil Gaiman, Alan Moore or H.P. Lovecraft. It's kinda stalker-y how much by Moore and Gaiman.
(X) You have a flying spaghetti monster on your car. How did you know?
(X) You've seen a midnight showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show with live actors in front of the screen.
(X) You know the REAL reason Spider-Man had a black costume.
( ) You know the NCC numbers of at least two starships other than the Enterprise.
( ) You know what "NCC" stands for.
( ) You own an original Star Trek Concordance, Technical Manual, and Blueprints.
( ) You own at least two medieval weapons.
( ) You have participated in battles with foam-covered swords. -- Still do, occasionally. Hey, they're only a buck at Le Mart du Wal.
(X) You know who "Major Matt Mason" is.
(X) You have seen bootleg copies of the original Fantastic Four and Justice League movies. i have a bootleg of the FF movie.
( ) After having had children you realize there's now more people to costume and relish it.
( ) You've managed to turn four days at Euroquest* into nearly eight because, who needs sleep?
( ) You've spent more than $1000 on your "spot-on" costume. (and it's still not quite right...)
( ) You've made a fan film.
( ) Your fan film has been seen by more than your immediate family.
(X) People know you by your online name instead of your mundane name.
(X) You know what Pennsic is.
( ) You've camped at Pennsic.
( ) You have/had personalized plates on your car proudly proclaiming your fandom.
(X) Your spouse and/or friends do as well. Okay, i'm counting my late husband's vanity plate "XCONCOM", which i still use.
( ) You yell at your kids when they try to open a toy/book/comic/figure etc. that you're collecting. i pretty much open and play with all the toys and read the comics, so i'd never do that.
( ) Your kids have broken your Hallmark collectible Star Trek/Star Wars, etc. ornament.
(X) You've traveled more than 500 miles to attend a con.
(X) You have a tattoo related to your fandom of choice. That would be my Eye of Agomotto... and the SubGenius tats.
( ) You met your spouse at a fan-related event or con.
( ) You got engaged (to be married!) at a sci-fi convention.
(X) You are publicly willing to defend Dollhouse, because Joss Whedon must be trusted. i'm not proud, but there it is.
Technorati Tags: memes