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November 05, 2007



On Tuesday, the WSJ published an article about Euskera that dissed the language and also sort-of dissed EITB. Having been in Basque households a few times where the language is mixed with Spanish, English, and French as second-choice languages, I wonder how the criticism of the usefulness of the language in everyday life is at all justifiable. It seems that it works quite well in the Basque household. So I am at a loss to understand why this language could be consider quaint, obsolete, and/or useless.

See this BLOG posting that references this material (copyright) from WSJ (published Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2007)
http://tinyurl.com/2kdp7m or

Ironically, they had to publish a correction on Thursday, too because they mistranslated several words in the original article. Hmmm? Does this prove their point? It makes ya think.

Juana Moore

That was kind of a neat blog post. i was the third person to comment, after the Basque and the Spaniard! The WSJ article i couldn't finish without paying, but i suppose i didn't need to raise my BP this morning anyway.

i think some of us from the States think we've missed something not being bilingual. i so suck at languages... i made a shot at Basque, but knew it was doomed unless i was living somewhere its in use.

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