Three lovely links to point to today:
First, check out Howard Hallis' Dr. Strange Custom Covers Project, just completed this month. The original Steve Ditko issues of Strange Tales featuring Doc, shared covers with a second feature. Howard has redesigned them to feature Dr. Strange. Be sure to click on the thumbnails - you can see notes, and what he put on the inside covers as well!
On another Ditko note, there's the new Steve Ditko Comics Weblog, which is both comprehensive and engaging. Both links from Neilalien, who covers the Dr. Strange waterfront.
These are grim times, and sometimes even the snarky need a little visual cuddle. Neat New Stuff On The Net points us to the wonderful Cute Overload, which is WAY better than it sounds. While there, check out "The Rules of Cuteness".
See you at ConFusion!