The mind boggles. For the past few years, things seem to be getting worse and worse, with no end in sight. The fate of poor residents of New Orleans is the latest and most horrific outrage, a horror which unfolds daily. As i write this, incredibly, after over five days the first relief convoys are reaching citizens stranded in the city. i have nothing to say others aren't saying better (NOLA mayor Ray Nagin says a mouthful here), but must point out Amy's Robot, where parallels are drawn between the chaos in the city, and Dawn of the Dead. Don't overlook this post from yesterday, which captures the outrage of the nation.
i was going to single out a few Boing Boing links, but there is so much interesting and valuable information, links for in-kind supporters and people looking for temporary disaster recovery jobs, and much more. so just go.
In case you haven't donated to disaster relief yet, there is a big link on the banner roll on the right side of this blog, or just go to The Red Cross or Mercy Corps. When you've done that, please consider a donation to Noah's Wish or the Humane Society to assist the animal rescuers. A great deal of much needed assistance cash will be raised in the next several days, but i have to ask this administration and its supporters: just what IS the purpose of a federal government?