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August 27, 2005



WABX!! What a fond memory that is!! And that indie station in Mt Clemens that lived for a hot minute in the early 80's....they had this cool segment called Tell Us What You Hate, and folks would call in and diss top 40 songs!


i don't remember ever hearing the Mt. Clemens station, though i would have love Tell Us What You Hate! That would be during the Free Radio Now! years, and Mt. Clemens/Port Huron was a hotbed of radio activism.


Man...1971 was top 100 HEAVEN compared to 1975! ARGH! I forgot how terrible it was. Thanks for reminding me, Juana :)


You know, Jeanne at the Body and Soul blog, pointed out that the best way to do the list is to use the year you were 13, because 13 is when top 40 type radio actually matters. This is a great observation (she has a lot of those). i was 13 in 1966, and the songs on that list were AND are a huge deal to me. Many of them are songs i'm still listening to all the time.

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